How many meters per tunnel lighting

How Many Meters Per Tunnel Lighting

The installation height of tunnel lighting is an important factor in tunnel lighting design. In actual engineering construction, according to the length and design standards of the tunnel, it is generally very important to install tunnel lighting every few meters.

For tunnel lighting design, the installation spacing of lighting lamps not only needs to consider lighting technical parameters such as brightness and uniformity, but also needs to consider aspects such as economy and energy efficiency. Too dense installation will increase construction and maintenance costs, while too loose installation may lead to uneven lighting or insufficient lighting.

Generally speaking, how many meters a tunnel lighting should be installed depends on the length, shape, traffic volume, vehicle speed and other factors of the tunnel, and is generally between 20-50 meters. In longer tunnels, different lighting needs may be taken into account in different areas and different lamp layouts may be used to meet different lighting intensity requirements.

All in all, how often tunnel lighting should be installed every meter is a question that requires precise design based on actual conditions and professional standards. It is necessary to ensure safety and smooth flow, while also considering energy conservation, environmental protection, and economy.

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